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Who is ShengZhong?
Who is ShengZhong?
Hello and welcome to my blog!

My name is Shengzhong and I am a Lay Buddhist from China. I started this blog as a way to share my views and experiences in the word of Buddhism and to connect with other Buddhists.

As a Lay Buddhist, I have been studying Buddhist knowledge for 6 years. I have thoroughly read and understood Zen classics such as the Heart Sutra, Diamond Sutra, and the Platform Sutra of the Sixth Patriarch. 2 years ago, I converted to Buddhism and obtained a Lay Buddhist identity certificate.

When I am not writing, You will find me marching alone across the country to practice.

I am delighted to share with you my knowledge, feelings, and insights, If what I am sharing is useful to you, please give me a like. And if you have enough money, please give me some sponsorship, thank you.

Thank you for visiting my blog.
Who is ShengZhong?



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th7ubw (信众)andreiutenkov@twitch.work☞捐功德jo3vvc 2024-12-23 18:07 mwnzd9 回复